Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A better way to fly

When I fly, I normally like to take a combination of dramamine (drowsy version) and red wine. This cocktail, combined with sleep deprivation, helps me pass out and avoid the anxiety I usually feel during takeoff and landing. On one flight home from college, however, I found myself in the unfortunate position of having lost my last drink coupon. Thus I was stuck awake and, rather than scanning through the latest offerings of SkyMall, decided to entertain myself by drawing what I saw out the window as we were departing Hartford. I used the "Brushes" app to draw this on my phone.


  1. Wow. I say you toss the "cocktail" and draw every time. This is great!

  2. I'm with Dalia: face those fears, make that art!

  3. for a moment i thought you could fly.

  4. Henry, your posts are so darn popular! Totally jealous here.
