Friday, April 29, 2011

Once I was told


"they're [referring to Gavins] a bit literal. Making the visual declaration, 'Look at me! I'm using Photoshop!' doesn't read as ironic; it comes across as naive."

To which I reply:

Special thanks to the 1990's, the stock market, and people with frank opinions everywhere.

Friday, April 22, 2011

[Cell Art] Porcelin

Recently Lucy E. (See Digital Portfolio Here) and Adaobi visited me during spring cleaning. And I saw this. Naturally I (and you the readers) need to have it. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

[Cell Art] Urban Blight

Sebastian Diaz, beloved brother of mine wants to reach out and touch your heart. And once you've let him in he'd like to take it out and gently lay the weights of hopelessness, apathy and despair atop it. YES! Submit more Sebastian, it's what the world wants!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

[Cell Art] @GavinWassung is in on it!

Gavin Wassung submitted this piece to continue our celebration of cell art this week. Gavin said that this was the artsiest piece on his cell phone (an HTC Evo).

[Cell Art] Nothing but class

So in his art blog debut, Josh Beach captures a moment of class... in class. Why isn't anyone raising any commotion? I suspect it's because they are New Yorkers. They've clearly seen it all.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

[Cell Art] He waits unhappily for your reply

Diego Rodriguez submitted this as part of our blog's ongoing celebration of the art of the cell phone. This was made on the i-pad using an i-phone app. See Diego's portfolio here! He rocks and did the most recent redesign of the Atto website.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A better way to fly

When I fly, I normally like to take a combination of dramamine (drowsy version) and red wine. This cocktail, combined with sleep deprivation, helps me pass out and avoid the anxiety I usually feel during takeoff and landing. On one flight home from college, however, I found myself in the unfortunate position of having lost my last drink coupon. Thus I was stuck awake and, rather than scanning through the latest offerings of SkyMall, decided to entertain myself by drawing what I saw out the window as we were departing Hartford. I used the "Brushes" app to draw this on my phone.

Let's Cell Art

Hello Readers,

This post is an open call for a cell phone art feature on the blog! I've been asked recently for exactly specifications of what I mean by cell phone art. Art made on, inspired by, featuring the cell phone. Pretty loose. I just want to put up cool works from talented folks.

Let's share some great stuff with the world.

To submit a piece get in touch with me. Facebook, tweet @gabrielcdiaz, email, phone. We'll get it figured out from there. Here's my submission! Watch out tomorrow, I'll post the next submission.

This one is by Gabe!
Let's all cell art!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Adorable Children, Antique Frames, Awesome

"You shouldn't photograph children. They don't have anything going on. They've got no baggage." Said my photography professor as I started my first black and white 35mm class. But there's a strong tradition of photography depicting children. Diane Arbus, among many others depicts children (and whatever baggage they might have) in a manner that's clear and compelling.

And also antique frames make everything seem more like "Art."